I started working on these Christmas cards back in November or earlier, getting magazine ads pulled, cutting them up and folding them to make my little Christmas trees on the front of the card. It was a labor of love but I was so excited to do it after having received one of these cards in the mail at work years ago. The time has finally come for me to send them out.
Here is my workspace (dining table) covered with 100+ Christmas cards in progress.
Here are different ones...there were way too many different ones to take pictures of all of them but I loved how different they were, some all green, some all red, and some had more than one color.
When sending them I tried to match the person with the card sending someone who loves pink a pink one etc. It might not be as obvious to them why they got the one they did but to me I was thinking of each person as I sent it to them.
Here is a profile of the tree and the inside stamp. I did not take a picture of it but I had a stamp finally made with this blog address on it that I am excited to use on more of my notecards in the future.
The only problem I ran into was that my computer printer did NOT like me while I was printing and so some of the addresses were not that perfect. Sorry! Something to improve upon.
Merry Christmas!
I love my green tree Christmas card and the thought and effort that went into it!
I loved my homemade card! Merry Christmas! We need to plan a get-together in the new year. :)
they were awesome! :)
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