Friday, March 15, 2013

Quick Takes #10

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 198)

1. We have a new Pope! I am so excited about this and the best was celebrating it with my two kiddos. We danced and chanted "New Pope" after the white smoke was seen and before we knew his name. Pope Francis. I am so excited to go to Rome again one day and "meet" this Pope. I have had the chance to be in the same vicinity as the last two Popes so I hope to do the same with this one. We will see. Anyone want to go to Rome with me?

3. These first two takes are probably the same two that most Catholic bloggers are going to have on their list. Google reader going away?! WHAT! I LIVE on Google Reader. I mean it is my go to place for blog reading while nursing, especially in the middle of the night. Please Google don't make me use the blogger Reader list. UGG Here is a site that give some options and how to move your feeds.

2. My husband taught my son to say "no way" and it sounds so cute coming out of his mouth. Luckily it isn't a NO WAY but more of a whiny nooo with a way on the end of it. It will be cute until he gets older and then I will have to stop it.

3. There was a box in our house from Aldi last week and my son LOVE pushing it around the house. He would put a car in it and take those for a ride. It was so cute to see him doing something he used to do all of the time when he first learned to walk but this time he could go around corners without needing help.

4. Last weekend my husband and I were finally able to go on a date. He was getting made at me for not setting up a date night sooner and actually once we got home he said that he was sorry, hanging out and watching a movie at home the night before was as fun as going out. We went to a tapas restaurant that we had a gift certificate to. We LOVED the food but it was so noisy. I guess we have turned into those old people that complain about how loud a restaurant is. I guess we were both just expecting a bit more of a romantic atmosphere and this was a bit more of a bar scene. We ended up going to Starbucks to just sit in a quiet place and talk. That was great. It was great to reconnect with each other and we should do it again soon!

5. Today is a nice warm day and I hope that we can go for a walk when the cuties get up from their naps. It gives me hope that Spring is here! I know that it is going to be in the 40's again tomorrow but it is coming soon...the warm is coming soon. Yeah!

6. I am an awesome cook, ok no really I am not at all. I almost burnt the house down the other night while steaming carrots! I often steam veggies for Bee and forget that I am doing it and the water evaporates and I burn the item. This time the water boiled off and the pot was charred black and was smoking. Whew that was a close one. Made me think that I really need to video tape the house so we have an inventory of what we have in case something tragic like that happens. So now to work on cleaning that pot.
7. I finally finished my son's Easter pants and both of their Easter bow ties. I can not wait to show them to you after Easter. Makes me want to make more cute bow ties for them.

Dang my cell phone woke up the baby....

1 comment:

Michelle said...

You need to google electric vegetable steamer. Find one you like, and buy it. You won't be sorry. You put water in the bottom, put in whatever you want to steam, set the timer, walk away and forget it. I even hard cook my eggs in it!I put 14 eggs in the basket, set it on 30 minutes, and I have perfect hard cooked eggs. They are ready to take to work every day for my breakfast. Fast and easy. They are good snacks too. High in protein. I have actually found all of my steamers at GW, so you might want to check the thrift stores. I also like the electric pots that boil water in just a minute or two. They are perfect for adding boiling water to mixes, like instant potatoes.

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